Command Line Basics and Useful Programs
- Introduction to Unix
- How to Install a Program
- Containers
- Bioawk
- Viewing Files In Remote Machine Without Downloading
Project Management
- Introduction to Project Management
- Project Management Tools
Introduction to BLAST
Experimental Design
- Biological system
- Sequencing Technology
- Costs
- Generic Examples of Experimental Design
- List of Biology exceptions and irregularities
Data Acquisition and Wrangling
- File Transfer
- Data Sets Used in the tutorials
- FASTA manipulation
- Manipulating Excel data sheets
- Data Management
Bioinformatics Terminology
RNA Sequencing
- RNA-Seq Example with a Genome Assembly
- RNA-Seq Example without a Genome Assembly
- Different Expression Analysis:DESeq2
- 10x genomics single-cell RNAseq analysis from SRA data using Cell Ranger and Seurat
- Using RSeQC to identify strand information of RNAseq
Genome Assembly and Annotation
Genome Assembly Examples
Tools for Assessing the Quality of a Genome Assembly
- GenomeScope to Estimate Genome Size
- Checking a genome for contamination from vectors using UniVec
- Check a genome for PhiX contamination
Tools for Scaffolding Assemblies
Genetic Map Construction
Introduction to Genome Annotation
- Calling Genome Methylation with Nanopolish and Comparing Promoter Methylation among Samples
- Introduction to Maker Gene Prediction
- Introduction to Braker2 Gene Prediction
- Motif Identification and Finding with MEME and FIMO
Comparative Genomics
- Positive, Neutral, Negative Selection with Codeml using Multiple Genome Annotations
- Gene Orthology, Synteny, and Visualzation with Opscan, Iadhore and Circos
- Gene Orthology, Synteny, and Visualzation with Orthofinder, Iadhore and Circos
- Gene Overlap Significance Testing with R Gene_overlap Package
- Phylostratiophraphy:Determining the LCA of all Genes in a Genome
- Functional Gene Enrichment Using ClusterProfiler v4.14.4
Variant Discovery
- FreeBayes variant calling workflow for DNA-Seq
- GATK Best Practices Workflow for DNA-Seq
- SNP calling for GBS data using Stacks pipeline
- SNP calling for GBS data using Tassel pipeline (GBS.v2)
Genome Repeat Identification
- Helitron Identification in a Genome Sequence
- DNA Transposon Annotation with Inverted-Repeats Finder
- LTR Retrotransposon Annotation with LTR-Finder
- Repeat Annotation from Next-gen Sequencing Reads Using RepeatExplorer
- De-Novo Repeat Identification and Annotation from Genome Assemblies using RepeatModeler and RepeatMasker
- Tandem Duplication Annotation in a Genome Assembly Using Mummer and RedTandem
- How to assess structural variation in your genome, and identify jumping transposons