
This tutorial covers the short read genome assembly for Arabidopsis thaliana using platanus genome assembler. This assembly program can use both paired-end and mate-pair data, progressively, for contigging and for scaffolding to generate an assembly. This was initially designed for highly heterozygous genomes, but performs equally well for inbred lines as well. For more information about this assembly program, checkout the its publication.


For this tutorial, we will use Arabidopsis thaliana, Ler strain, short read dataset, from the BioProject PRJNA311266. This assembly was published in 2016 by Zapata et. al. The dataset has 4 libraries, with both PE and MP reads (2 each). Although, it does have long reads (PacBio), we will not be using it for this tutorial. The SRA info can be found here. For a 117Mb genome, this is quite a bit of coverage.

Table 1: Dataset used for the Assembly

Run Instrument Layout Insert (bp) ReadLength TotalReads Bases (Mbp)
SRR3157034 HiSeq 2000 paired-end 0 100x2 93,446,768 17,823
SRR3166543 HiSeq 2000 paired-end 0 100x2 162,362,560 30,968
SRR3156163 HiSeq 2000 mate-pair 8,000 100x2 51,332,776 9,790
SRR3156596 HiSeq 2000 mate-pair 20,000 100x2 61,030,552 11,640


We will use the sra-toolkit to get the fastq files needed. After you copy the SRR ids for the files, we will save it as srr.ids


module load sra-toolkit
while read line; do
  fastq-dump --split-files --origfmt ${line};
sra-toolkit stdout ``` Read 51332776 spots for /work/GIF/arnstrm/ncbi/public/sra/SRR3156163.sra Written 51332776 spots for /work/GIF/arnstrm/ncbi/public/sra/SRR3156163.sra Read 61030552 spots for /work/GIF/arnstrm/ncbi/public/sra/SRR3156596.sra Written 61030552 spots for /work/GIF/arnstrm/ncbi/public/sra/SRR3156596.sra Read 93446768 spots for /work/GIF/arnstrm/ncbi/public/sra/SRR3157034.sra Written 93446768 spots for /work/GIF/arnstrm/ncbi/public/sra/SRR3157034.sra Read 162362560 spots for /work/GIF/arnstrm/ncbi/public/sra/SRR3166543.sra Written 162362560 spots for /work/GIF/arnstrm/ncbi/public/sra/SRR3166543.sra ```

Typically, we will start by checking the quality of reads after you obtain the data (using Fastqc), but for this tutorial, since we already know the quality, and to keep it focused on platanus assembler, we will skip it.

The compiled versions of the platanus assembler is available on the assembly homepage. You can download them directly and use the binaries for this tutorial (no compiling or installation required).

wget -O platanus
wget -O platanus_trim
wget -O platanus_internal_trim
# make them executables
chmod +x platanus*


Steps for running the assembly are as follows:

  1. Trim the reads using platanus trimming programs. The paired-end and mate-pair reads should be trimmed using different programs as they are normally have different orientation (paired-end=innie; mate-pair=outie).
  2. Run contig generation step using only trimmed paired-end reads.
  3. The contigs are then scaffolded using trimmed mate-pairs.
  4. Gap-closing to fill the gaps using both types of reads and finish the assembly process.


The assembly process is simple and it does not create a lot of files. So to keep the organization simple as well, we will run everything in a single directory.

├── platanus
├── platanus_internal_trim
├── platanus_trim
├── SRR3156163_1.fastq
├── SRR3156163_2.fastq
├── SRR3156596_1.fastq
├── SRR3156596_2.fastq
├── SRR3157034_1.fastq
├── SRR3157034_2.fastq
├── SRR3166543_1.fastq
├── SRR3166543_2.fastq
└── srr.ids

Assembly process

As mentioned before, there are 4 stages. We will walk you through each step.

1. Trimming

Since the trimming is different for each type of library (paired-end and mate-pair), we will create a file of filenames (fofn) to process them separately.





Now run the trimming as follows (here -i is for input file and -t for number of threads):

platanus_trim -i pe.fofn -t 16
platanus_internal_trim -i mp.fofn -t 16
pe trimming stdout ``` Running with trim adapter mode Checking files: SRR3157034_1.fastq SRR3157034_2.fastq (100%) Checking files: SRR3166543_1.fastq SRR3166543_2.fastq (100%) Number of trimmed read with adapter: NUM_OF_TRIMMED_READ(FORWARD) = 136950407 NUM_OF_TRIMMED_BASE(FORWARD) = 369118390 NUM_OF_TRIMMED_READ(REVERSE) = 136950019 NUM_OF_TRIMMED_BASE(REVERSE) = 402829853 NUM_OF_TRIMMED_PAIR(OR) = 136951669 NUM_OF_TRIMMED_PAIR(AND) = 136948757 Number of trimmed read because of low quality or too short (< 11bp): NUM_OF_TRIMMED_READ(FORWARD) = 122955524 NUM_OF_TRIMMED_BASE(FORWARD) = 6257718860 NUM_OF_TRIMMED_READ(REVERSE) = 109237679 NUM_OF_TRIMMED_BASE(REVERSE) = 7507282392 NUM_OF_TRIMMED_PAIR(OR) = 146417481 NUM_OF_TRIMMED_PAIR(AND) = 85775722 #### PROCESS INFORMATION #### User Time: 266.78 min System Time: 1.68 min VmPeak: 0.833 GByte VmHWM: 0.144 GByte Execution time: 59.32 min ```
mp trimming stdout ``` Running with trim internal adapter mode Checking files: SRR3156163_1.fastq SRR3156163_2.fastq (100%) Checking files: SRR3156596_1.fastq SRR3156596_2.fastq (100%) Number of trimmed read with internal adapter: NUM_OF_TRIMMED_READ(FORWARD) = 0 NUM_OF_TRIMMED_BASE(FORWARD) = 0 NUM_OF_TRIMMED_READ(REVERSE) = 0 NUM_OF_TRIMMED_BASE(REVERSE) = 0 NUM_OF_TRIMMED_PAIR(OR) = 0 NUM_OF_TRIMMED_PAIR(AND) = 0 Number of trimmed read with adapter: NUM_OF_TRIMMED_READ(FORWARD) = 28379276 NUM_OF_TRIMMED_BASE(FORWARD) = 621458117 NUM_OF_TRIMMED_READ(REVERSE) = 28378747 NUM_OF_TRIMMED_BASE(REVERSE) = 205825175 NUM_OF_TRIMMED_PAIR(OR) = 28379567 NUM_OF_TRIMMED_PAIR(AND) = 28378456 Number of trimmed read because of low quality or too short (< 11bp): NUM_OF_TRIMMED_READ(FORWARD) = 62990345 NUM_OF_TRIMMED_BASE(FORWARD) = 2047046061 NUM_OF_TRIMMED_READ(REVERSE) = 60871687 NUM_OF_TRIMMED_BASE(REVERSE) = 3391343381 NUM_OF_TRIMMED_PAIR(OR) = 79275459 NUM_OF_TRIMMED_PAIR(AND) = 44586573 #### PROCESS INFORMATION #### User Time: 234.61 min System Time: 0.79 min VmPeak: 0.872 GByte VmHWM: 0.132 GByte Execution time: 36.22 min ```

After the run is complete, you will see the files with .trimmed and .int_trimmed extension. It will also display progress while trimming is running.

2. Contig generation:

The main executable for this assembler is platanus. This comes with 3 options. assemble, scaffold and gap_close. For this step, we need the assemble option.

platanus assemble \
   -o platanus \
   -f {SRR3157034,SRR3166543}_?.fastq.trimmed \
   -t 12 \
   -m 115 \
   -tmp $TMPDIR

We used most of the default options, except for -t number of threads (set to 12), -m max memory un GB to use for assembly step (set to 115GB), and the -tmp temp directory to use (set to scratch space). Note that we used a regular expression (pattern) to provide all the files as input. We could have also provided each filename individually, but using patterns will reduce errors and makes it easier to read.

assembly stdout ``` Platanus version: 1.2.4 ./platanus assemble -o platanus -f SRR3157034_1.fastq.trimmed SRR3157034_2.fastq.trimmed SRR3166543_1.fastq.trimmed SRR3166543_2.fastq.trimmed -t 12 -m 115 -tmp /scratch/arnstrm/504932 K = 32, saving kmers from reads... AVE_READ_LEN=95.7062 KMER_EXTENSION: K=32, KMER_COVERAGE=167.299 (>= 44), COVERAGE_CUTOFF=44 K=42, KMER_COVERAGE=141.444, COVERAGE_CUTOFF=44, PROB_SPLIT=10e-inf K=52, KMER_COVERAGE=115.588, COVERAGE_CUTOFF=44, PROB_SPLIT=10e-13.035 K=62, KMER_COVERAGE=89.7333, COVERAGE_CUTOFF=34, PROB_SPLIT=10e-10.2256 K=72, KMER_COVERAGE=63.8782, COVERAGE_CUTOFF=18, PROB_SPLIT=10e-10.4294 K=82, KMER_COVERAGE=38.0231, COVERAGE_CUTOFF=5, PROB_SPLIT=10e-10.485 K=85, KMER_COVERAGE=30.2666, COVERAGE_CUTOFF=2, PROB_SPLIT=10e-11.0475 K=86, KMER_COVERAGE=27.6811, COVERAGE_CUTOFF=2, PROB_SPLIT=10e-10.2631 loading kmers... connecting kmers... removing branches... BRANCH_DELETE_THRESHOLD=0.5 NUM_CUT=52771 NUM_CUT=325 NUM_CUT=0 TOTAL_NUM_CUT=53096 mapping reads on de Bruijn Graph nodes... TOTAL_MAPPED_READS=301160221 TOTAL_UNMAPPED_READS=49230885 TOTAL_SHORT_READS(<32)=2449016 NUM_DELETE_NODE(reads are unmapped)=127838 NUM_CUT_NODE=14250 extracting reads (containing kmer used in contig assemble)... K = 42, loading kmers from contigs... K = 42, saving additional kmers(not found in contigs) from reads... COVERAGE_CUTOFF = 44 loading kmers... connecting kmers... removing branches... BRANCH_DELETE_THRESHOLD=0.5 NUM_CUT=32977 NUM_CUT=262 NUM_CUT=0 TOTAL_NUM_CUT=33239 mapping reads on de Bruijn Graph nodes... TOTAL_MAPPED_READS=297870532 TOTAL_UNMAPPED_READS=48839229 TOTAL_SHORT_READS(<42)=6130361 NUM_DELETE_NODE(reads are unmapped)=34658 NUM_CUT_NODE=9411 extracting reads (containing kmer used in contig assemble)... K = 52, loading kmers from contigs... K = 52, saving additional kmers(not found in contigs) from reads... COVERAGE_CUTOFF = 44 loading kmers... connecting kmers... removing branches... BRANCH_DELETE_THRESHOLD=0.5 NUM_CUT=11612 NUM_CUT=58 NUM_CUT=1 NUM_CUT=0 TOTAL_NUM_CUT=11671 mapping reads on de Bruijn Graph nodes... TOTAL_MAPPED_READS=294187616 TOTAL_UNMAPPED_READS=48525575 TOTAL_SHORT_READS(<52)=10126931 NUM_DELETE_NODE(reads are unmapped)=14651 NUM_CUT_NODE=6611 extracting reads (containing kmer used in contig assemble)... K = 62, loading kmers from contigs... K = 62, saving additional kmers(not found in contigs) from reads... COVERAGE_CUTOFF = 34 loading kmers... connecting kmers... removing branches... BRANCH_DELETE_THRESHOLD=0.5 NUM_CUT=8760 NUM_CUT=85 NUM_CUT=0 TOTAL_NUM_CUT=8845 mapping reads on de Bruijn Graph nodes... TOTAL_MAPPED_READS=292269452 TOTAL_UNMAPPED_READS=46285943 TOTAL_SHORT_READS(<62)=14284727 NUM_DELETE_NODE(reads are unmapped)=11077 NUM_CUT_NODE=6253 extracting reads (containing kmer used in contig assemble)... K = 72, loading kmers from contigs... K = 72, saving additional kmers(not found in contigs) from reads... COVERAGE_CUTOFF = 18 loading kmers... connecting kmers... removing branches... BRANCH_DELETE_THRESHOLD=0.5 NUM_CUT=11089 NUM_CUT=73 NUM_CUT=1 NUM_CUT=0 TOTAL_NUM_CUT=11163 mapping reads on de Bruijn Graph nodes... TOTAL_MAPPED_READS=290273837 TOTAL_UNMAPPED_READS=42592196 TOTAL_SHORT_READS(<72)=19974089 NUM_DELETE_NODE(reads are unmapped)=16011 NUM_CUT_NODE=5055 extracting reads (containing kmer used in contig assemble)... K = 82, loading kmers from contigs... K = 82, saving additional kmers(not found in contigs) from reads... COVERAGE_CUTOFF = 5 loading kmers... connecting kmers... removing branches... BRANCH_DELETE_THRESHOLD=0.5 NUM_CUT=35099 NUM_CUT=316 NUM_CUT=2 NUM_CUT=0 TOTAL_NUM_CUT=35417 mapping reads on de Bruijn Graph nodes... TOTAL_MAPPED_READS=287485676 TOTAL_UNMAPPED_READS=38455436 TOTAL_SHORT_READS(<82)=26899010 NUM_DELETE_NODE(reads are unmapped)=23565 NUM_CUT_NODE=5757 extracting reads (containing kmer used in contig assemble)... K = 85, loading kmers from contigs... K = 85, saving additional kmers(not found in contigs) from reads... COVERAGE_CUTOFF = 2 loading kmers... connecting kmers... removing branches... BRANCH_DELETE_THRESHOLD=0.5 NUM_CUT=92929 NUM_CUT=705 NUM_CUT=5 NUM_CUT=0 TOTAL_NUM_CUT=93639 mapping reads on de Bruijn Graph nodes... TOTAL_MAPPED_READS=286286607 TOTAL_UNMAPPED_READS=36890605 TOTAL_SHORT_READS(<85)=29662910 NUM_DELETE_NODE(reads are unmapped)=18033 NUM_CUT_NODE=4914 extracting reads (containing kmer used in contig assemble)... K = 86, loading kmers from contigs... K = 86, saving additional kmers(not found in contigs) from reads... COVERAGE_CUTOFF = 2 loading kmers... connecting kmers... removing branches... BRANCH_DELETE_THRESHOLD=0.5 NUM_CUT=76051 NUM_CUT=455 NUM_CUT=5 NUM_CUT=0 TOTAL_NUM_CUT=76511 LENGTH_CUTOFF = 172 COVERAGE_CUTOFF = 4 removing erroneous nodes... NUM_REMOVED_NODES=62182 NUM_REMOVED_NODES=1787 NUM_REMOVED_NODES=6 NUM_REMOVED_NODES=0 TOTAL_NUM_REMOVED_NODES=63975 AVE_KMER_COV_REMOVING_BUBBLE=27.7394 removing bubbles... BUBBLE_IDENTITY_THRESHOLD=0.1 NUM_REMOVED_BUBBLES=2332 NUM_REMOVED_BUBBLES=1 NUM_REMOVED_BUBBLES=0 TOTAL_NUM_REMOVED_BUBBLES=2333 mapping reads on de Bruijn Graph nodes... TOTAL_MAPPED_READS=284641512 TOTAL_UNMAPPED_READS=37462911 TOTAL_SHORT_READS(<86)=30735699 NUM_DELETE_NODE(reads are unmapped)=613 NUM_CUT_NODE=2839 assemble completed! #### PROCESS INFORMATION #### VmPeak: 101.557 GByte VmHWM: 5.544 GByte ```

There are only 3 output files from this step:

platanus_contig.fa : assembled contiguous sequences
platanus_contigBubble.fa : merged and removed bubble sequences
platanus_32merFrq.tsv : kmer frequency distribution

3. Scaffolding

In this step, we will use the contigs create in the previous step, along with trimmed reads (PE and MP) to scaffold the initial set of contigs. We will run the command as follows:

platanus scaffold \
    -o platanus \
    -c platanus_contig.fa \
    -b platanus_contigBubble.fa \
    -IP1 {SRR3157034,SRR3166543}_?.fastq.trimmed \
    -OP2 SRR3156163_?.fastq.int_trimmed \
    -n2 7000 \
    -a2 8000 \
    -d2 1000 \
    -OP3 SRR3156596_?.fastq.int_trimmed \
    -n3 19000 \
    -a3 20000 \
    -d3 2000 \
    -t 12 \
    -tmp $TMPDIR

Again, most of the default options were used. It requires file from previous steps (contigs and bubbles file, using options -c and -b, respectively) and reads (both paired-end and mate-pair) as input. For paired-end reads, the insert size was 0, so no other information is provided. However, the 2 set of files we have for mate-pair have different insert sizes and should be included while running scaffolding. We do this by using -OP2 and -OP3 options (you can provide as many as you want, depending on number of libraries you use, here we only need 2). For each library, we will also provide -n minimum insert size, -a average insert size and -d standard deviation. The trailing number is used for identifying library with its insert size tags. Eg., -n2, -a2, and -d2 is associated with library -OP2 and, -n3, -a3, and -d3 with library -OP3. Just like in previous step, we will change -t number of threads (set to 12), and the -tmp temp directory to use (set to scratch space).

There will 3 output files again:

platanus_scaffold.fa: assembled sequences with gaps
platanus_scaffoldBubble.fa: removed bubble sequences
platanus_scaffoldComponent.tsv: table describing contig joins
scaffolding stdout ``` Platanus version: 1.2.4 ./platanus scaffold -o platanus -c platanus_contig.fa -b platanus_contigBubble.fa -IP1 SRR3157034_1.fastq.trimmed SRR3157034_2.fastq.trimmed SRR3166543_1.fastq.trimmed SRR3166543_2.fastq.trimmed -OP2 SRR3156163_1.fastq.int_trimmed SRR3156163_2.fastq.int_trimmed -n2 7000 -a2 8000 -d2 1000 -OP3 SRR3156596_1.fastq.int_trimmed SRR3156596_2.fastq.int_trimmed -n3 19000 -a3 20000 -d3 2000 -t 12 -tmp /scratch/arnstrm/505110 K=32, making hash table... K=32, making hash table... CONTIG_AVERAGE_COVERAGE = 214.328 mapping bubbles on contigs... [LIBRARY 1] mapping reads... TOTAL_PAIR = 176420061 MAPPED_PAIR = 120493353 (0.682991) MAPPED_IN_DIFFERENT_CONTIGS = 9222646 (0.0522766) MAPPED_IN_SAME_CONTIG = 111270707 (0.630715) AVERAGE_COVERAGE = 161.193 [LIBRARY 2] mapping reads... TOTAL_PAIR = 43437115 MAPPED_PAIR = 13187994 (0.303611) MAPPED_IN_DIFFERENT_CONTIGS = 10891832 (0.250749) MAPPED_IN_SAME_CONTIG = 2296162 (0.0528618) AVERAGE_COVERAGE = 17.3053 Average insert size specified: AVE = 8000 [LIBRARY 3] mapping reads... TOTAL_PAIR = 35013593 MAPPED_PAIR = 3295364 (0.0941167) MAPPED_IN_DIFFERENT_CONTIGS = 3245212 (0.0926843) MAPPED_IN_SAME_CONTIG = 50152 (0.00143236) AVERAGE_COVERAGE = 4.30912 Average insert size specified: AVE = 20000 estimating insert-size... PEAK = 171 LOWER_LIMIT (permissible range to estimate AVE_INS)= 43 UPPER_LIMIT (permissible range to estimate AVE_INS)= 299 AVE_INS = 174 SD_INS = 23 [LIBRARY 1] AVE_INS = 174, SD_INS = 23 saving overlaps... (LEN_CUTOFF=46) destructing mapper objects... [LIBRARY 1] AVE_INS = 174, SD_INS = 23 linking scaffolds (MIN_LINK = 7) sorting links in contigID order... estimating contig distances... constructing scaffold graph NUM_REMOVED_OVERLAP_CONTIGS=17 (CONTAINED_HETERO) TOLERENCE_LEVEL_OF_CONTIG_OVERLAP = 46 linking scaffolds (MIN_LINK = 7) sorting links in contigID order... estimating contig distances... constructing scaffold graph NUM_REMOVED_BUBBLES=23 (COVERAGE_THRESHOLD) removing bubbles... (MAX_BUBBLE_IDENTITY = 0.1) NUM_REMOVED_BUBBLES=312 NUM_REMOVED_BUBBLES=0 TOTAL_NUM_REMOVED_BUBBLES=312 removing erroneous edges... NUM_SPLIT_LINK (not enough mapped pairs)=1931 NUM_SPLIT_LINK (not enough mapped pairs)=1 NUM_SPLIT_LINK (not enough mapped pairs)=0 TOTAL_SPLIT_LINK (not enough mapped pairs)=1932 scaffolding... linking scaffolds (MIN_LINK = 7) sorting links in contigID order... estimating contig distances... constructing scaffold graph NUM_REMOVED_BUBBLES=1 (COVERAGE_THRESHOLD) removing bubbles... (MAX_BUBBLE_IDENTITY = 0.1) NUM_REMOVED_BUBBLES=3 NUM_REMOVED_BUBBLES=0 TOTAL_NUM_REMOVED_BUBBLES=3 NUM_SPLIT_LINK (not originate from heterozygosity)=717 (COVERAGE_THRESHOLD) scaffolding... linking scaffolds (MIN_LINK = 7) sorting links in contigID order... estimating contig distances... constructing scaffold graph NUM_REMOVED_OVERLAP_CONTIGS=1 (CONTAINED_HETERO) TOLERENCE_LEVEL_OF_CONTIG_OVERLAP = 69 linking scaffolds (MIN_LINK = 7) sorting links in contigID order... estimating contig distances... constructing scaffold graph NUM_REMOVED_BUBBLES=0 (COVERAGE_THRESHOLD) removing bubbles... (MAX_BUBBLE_IDENTITY = 0.1) NUM_REMOVED_BUBBLES=1 NUM_REMOVED_BUBBLES=0 TOTAL_NUM_REMOVED_BUBBLES=1 removing erroneous edges... NUM_SPLIT_LINK (not enough mapped pairs)=1892 NUM_SPLIT_LINK (not enough mapped pairs)=1 NUM_SPLIT_LINK (not enough mapped pairs)=0 TOTAL_SPLIT_LINK (not enough mapped pairs)=1893 scaffolding... linking scaffolds (MIN_LINK = 7) sorting links in contigID order... estimating contig distances... constructing scaffold graph NUM_REMOVED_BUBBLES=0 (COVERAGE_THRESHOLD) removing bubbles... (MAX_BUBBLE_IDENTITY = 0.1) NUM_REMOVED_BUBBLES=1 NUM_REMOVED_BUBBLES=0 TOTAL_NUM_REMOVED_BUBBLES=1 NUM_SPLIT_LINK (not originate from heterozygosity)=9 (COVERAGE_THRESHOLD) scaffolding... [LIBRARY 2] AVE_INS = 8000, SD_INS = 1000 linking scaffolds (MIN_LINK = 7) sorting links in contigID order... estimating contig distances... constructing scaffold graph NUM_REMOVED_OVERLAP_CONTIGS=24 (CONTAINED_HETERO) TOLERENCE_LEVEL_OF_CONTIG_OVERLAP = 2000 linking scaffolds (MIN_LINK = 7) sorting links in contigID order... estimating contig distances... constructing scaffold graph NUM_REMOVED_BUBBLES=0 (COVERAGE_THRESHOLD) removing bubbles... (MAX_BUBBLE_IDENTITY = 0.1) NUM_REMOVED_BUBBLES=0 TOTAL_NUM_REMOVED_BUBBLES=0 removing erroneous edges... NUM_SPLIT_LINK (not enough mapped pairs)=298 NUM_SPLIT_LINK (not enough mapped pairs)=1 NUM_SPLIT_LINK (not enough mapped pairs)=0 TOTAL_SPLIT_LINK (not enough mapped pairs)=299 deleting edges from repeat contigs... linking scaffolds (MIN_LINK = 7) sorting links in contigID order... estimating contig distances... constructing scaffold graph NUM_REMOVED_BUBBLES=0 (COVERAGE_THRESHOLD) removing bubbles... (MAX_BUBBLE_IDENTITY = 0.1) NUM_REMOVED_BUBBLES=0 TOTAL_NUM_REMOVED_BUBBLES=0 removing erroneous edges... NUM_SPLIT_LINK (not enough mapped pairs)=294 NUM_SPLIT_LINK (not enough mapped pairs)=1 NUM_SPLIT_LINK (not enough mapped pairs)=0 TOTAL_SPLIT_LINK (not enough mapped pairs)=295 scaffolding... linking scaffolds (MIN_LINK = 7) sorting links in contigID order... estimating contig distances... constructing scaffold graph NUM_REMOVED_BUBBLES=0 (COVERAGE_THRESHOLD) removing bubbles... (MAX_BUBBLE_IDENTITY = 0.1) NUM_REMOVED_BUBBLES=0 TOTAL_NUM_REMOVED_BUBBLES=0 NUM_SPLIT_LINK (not originate from heterozygosity)=5 (COVERAGE_THRESHOLD) scaffolding... linking scaffolds (MIN_LINK = 7) sorting links in contigID order... estimating contig distances... constructing scaffold graph NUM_REMOVED_OVERLAP_CONTIGS=10 (CONTAINED_HETERO) TOLERENCE_LEVEL_OF_CONTIG_OVERLAP = 3000 linking scaffolds (MIN_LINK = 7) sorting links in contigID order... estimating contig distances... constructing scaffold graph NUM_REMOVED_BUBBLES=0 (COVERAGE_THRESHOLD) removing bubbles... (MAX_BUBBLE_IDENTITY = 0.1) NUM_REMOVED_BUBBLES=0 TOTAL_NUM_REMOVED_BUBBLES=0 removing erroneous edges... NUM_SPLIT_LINK (not enough mapped pairs)=8 NUM_SPLIT_LINK (not enough mapped pairs)=0 TOTAL_SPLIT_LINK (not enough mapped pairs)=8 deleting edges from repeat contigs... linking scaffolds (MIN_LINK = 7) sorting links in contigID order... estimating contig distances... constructing scaffold graph NUM_REMOVED_BUBBLES=0 (COVERAGE_THRESHOLD) removing bubbles... (MAX_BUBBLE_IDENTITY = 0.1) NUM_REMOVED_BUBBLES=0 TOTAL_NUM_REMOVED_BUBBLES=0 removing erroneous edges... NUM_SPLIT_LINK (not enough mapped pairs)=8 NUM_SPLIT_LINK (not enough mapped pairs)=0 TOTAL_SPLIT_LINK (not enough mapped pairs)=8 scaffolding... linking scaffolds (MIN_LINK = 7) sorting links in contigID order... estimating contig distances... constructing scaffold graph NUM_REMOVED_BUBBLES=0 (COVERAGE_THRESHOLD) removing bubbles... (MAX_BUBBLE_IDENTITY = 0.1) NUM_REMOVED_BUBBLES=0 TOTAL_NUM_REMOVED_BUBBLES=0 NUM_SPLIT_LINK (not originate from heterozygosity)=0 (COVERAGE_THRESHOLD) scaffolding... [LIBRARY 3] AVE_INS = 20000, SD_INS = 2000 linking scaffolds (MIN_LINK = 3) sorting links in contigID order... estimating contig distances... constructing scaffold graph NUM_REMOVED_OVERLAP_CONTIGS=42 (CONTAINED_HETERO) TOLERENCE_LEVEL_OF_CONTIG_OVERLAP = 4000 linking scaffolds (MIN_LINK = 3) sorting links in contigID order... estimating contig distances... constructing scaffold graph NUM_REMOVED_BUBBLES=0 (COVERAGE_THRESHOLD) removing bubbles... (MAX_BUBBLE_IDENTITY = 0.1) NUM_REMOVED_BUBBLES=0 TOTAL_NUM_REMOVED_BUBBLES=0 removing erroneous edges... NUM_SPLIT_LINK (not enough mapped pairs)=40 NUM_SPLIT_LINK (not enough mapped pairs)=0 TOTAL_SPLIT_LINK (not enough mapped pairs)=40 deleting edges from repeat contigs... linking scaffolds (MIN_LINK = 3) sorting links in contigID order... estimating contig distances... constructing scaffold graph NUM_REMOVED_BUBBLES=0 (COVERAGE_THRESHOLD) removing bubbles... (MAX_BUBBLE_IDENTITY = 0.1) NUM_REMOVED_BUBBLES=0 TOTAL_NUM_REMOVED_BUBBLES=0 removing erroneous edges... NUM_SPLIT_LINK (not enough mapped pairs)=40 NUM_SPLIT_LINK (not enough mapped pairs)=0 TOTAL_SPLIT_LINK (not enough mapped pairs)=40 scaffolding... linking scaffolds (MIN_LINK = 3) sorting links in contigID order... estimating contig distances... constructing scaffold graph NUM_REMOVED_BUBBLES=0 (COVERAGE_THRESHOLD) removing bubbles... (MAX_BUBBLE_IDENTITY = 0.1) NUM_REMOVED_BUBBLES=0 TOTAL_NUM_REMOVED_BUBBLES=0 NUM_SPLIT_LINK (not originate from heterozygosity)=0 (COVERAGE_THRESHOLD) scaffolding... linking scaffolds (MIN_LINK = 3) sorting links in contigID order... estimating contig distances... constructing scaffold graph NUM_REMOVED_OVERLAP_CONTIGS=4 (CONTAINED_HETERO) TOLERENCE_LEVEL_OF_CONTIG_OVERLAP = 6000 linking scaffolds (MIN_LINK = 3) sorting links in contigID order... estimating contig distances... constructing scaffold graph NUM_REMOVED_BUBBLES=0 (COVERAGE_THRESHOLD) removing bubbles... (MAX_BUBBLE_IDENTITY = 0.1) NUM_REMOVED_BUBBLES=0 TOTAL_NUM_REMOVED_BUBBLES=0 removing erroneous edges... NUM_SPLIT_LINK (not enough mapped pairs)=5 NUM_SPLIT_LINK (not enough mapped pairs)=0 TOTAL_SPLIT_LINK (not enough mapped pairs)=5 deleting edges from repeat contigs... linking scaffolds (MIN_LINK = 3) sorting links in contigID order... estimating contig distances... constructing scaffold graph NUM_REMOVED_BUBBLES=0 (COVERAGE_THRESHOLD) removing bubbles... (MAX_BUBBLE_IDENTITY = 0.1) NUM_REMOVED_BUBBLES=0 TOTAL_NUM_REMOVED_BUBBLES=0 removing erroneous edges... NUM_SPLIT_LINK (not enough mapped pairs)=5 NUM_SPLIT_LINK (not enough mapped pairs)=0 TOTAL_SPLIT_LINK (not enough mapped pairs)=5 scaffolding... linking scaffolds (MIN_LINK = 3) sorting links in contigID order... estimating contig distances... constructing scaffold graph NUM_REMOVED_BUBBLES=0 (COVERAGE_THRESHOLD) removing bubbles... (MAX_BUBBLE_IDENTITY = 0.1) NUM_REMOVED_BUBBLES=0 TOTAL_NUM_REMOVED_BUBBLES=0 NUM_SPLIT_LINK (not originate from heterozygosity)=0 (COVERAGE_THRESHOLD) scaffolding... [LIBRARY 1] AVE_INS = 174, SD_INS = 23 linking scaffolds (MIN_LINK = 3) sorting links in contigID order... estimating contig distances... constructing scaffold graph NUM_REMOVED_OVERLAP_CONTIGS=3 (CONTAINED_HETERO) TOLERENCE_LEVEL_OF_CONTIG_OVERLAP = 46 linking scaffolds (MIN_LINK = 3) sorting links in contigID order... estimating contig distances... constructing scaffold graph NUM_REMOVED_BUBBLES=0 (COVERAGE_THRESHOLD) removing bubbles... (MAX_BUBBLE_IDENTITY = 0.1) NUM_REMOVED_BUBBLES=12 NUM_REMOVED_BUBBLES=0 TOTAL_NUM_REMOVED_BUBBLES=12 removing erroneous edges... NUM_SPLIT_LINK (not enough mapped pairs)=3026 NUM_SPLIT_LINK (not enough mapped pairs)=1 NUM_SPLIT_LINK (not enough mapped pairs)=0 TOTAL_SPLIT_LINK (not enough mapped pairs)=3027 deleting edges from repeat contigs... scaffolding... linking scaffolds (MIN_LINK = 3) sorting links in contigID order... estimating contig distances... constructing scaffold graph NUM_REMOVED_BUBBLES=0 (COVERAGE_THRESHOLD) removing bubbles... (MAX_BUBBLE_IDENTITY = 0.1) NUM_REMOVED_BUBBLES=1 NUM_REMOVED_BUBBLES=0 TOTAL_NUM_REMOVED_BUBBLES=1 NUM_SPLIT_LINK (not originate from heterozygosity)=100 (COVERAGE_THRESHOLD) scaffolding... linking scaffolds (MIN_LINK = 3) sorting links in contigID order... estimating contig distances... constructing scaffold graph NUM_REMOVED_OVERLAP_CONTIGS=0 (CONTAINED_HETERO) TOLERENCE_LEVEL_OF_CONTIG_OVERLAP = 69 linking scaffolds (MIN_LINK = 3) sorting links in contigID order... estimating contig distances... constructing scaffold graph NUM_REMOVED_BUBBLES=0 (COVERAGE_THRESHOLD) removing bubbles... (MAX_BUBBLE_IDENTITY = 0.1) NUM_REMOVED_BUBBLES=0 TOTAL_NUM_REMOVED_BUBBLES=0 removing erroneous edges... NUM_SPLIT_LINK (not enough mapped pairs)=4180 NUM_SPLIT_LINK (not enough mapped pairs)=2 NUM_SPLIT_LINK (not enough mapped pairs)=0 TOTAL_SPLIT_LINK (not enough mapped pairs)=4182 deleting edges from repeat contigs... scaffolding... linking scaffolds (MIN_LINK = 3) sorting links in contigID order... estimating contig distances... constructing scaffold graph NUM_REMOVED_BUBBLES=0 (COVERAGE_THRESHOLD) removing bubbles... (MAX_BUBBLE_IDENTITY = 0.1) NUM_REMOVED_BUBBLES=0 TOTAL_NUM_REMOVED_BUBBLES=0 NUM_SPLIT_LINK (not originate from heterozygosity)=5 (COVERAGE_THRESHOLD) scaffolding... Library1 PHYSICAL_COVERAGE=146 SUM_SHORT_LIBRARY_PHYSICAL_COVERAGE=146 Library2 PHYSICAL_COVERAGE=736 Library3 PHYSICAL_COVERAGE=463 SUM_LONG_LIBRARY_PHYSICAL_COVERAGE=1199 checking erroneous scaffold using long libraries... spliting low coverage links... NUM_SPLIT_LINK(low coverage)= 143 [LIBRARY 2] AVE_INS = 8000, SD_INS = 1000 linking scaffolds (MIN_LINK = 3) sorting links in contigID order... estimating contig distances... constructing scaffold graph NUM_REMOVED_OVERLAP_CONTIGS=3 (CONTAINED_HETERO) TOLERENCE_LEVEL_OF_CONTIG_OVERLAP = 2000 linking scaffolds (MIN_LINK = 3) sorting links in contigID order... estimating contig distances... constructing scaffold graph NUM_REMOVED_BUBBLES=0 (COVERAGE_THRESHOLD) removing bubbles... (MAX_BUBBLE_IDENTITY = 0.1) NUM_REMOVED_BUBBLES=0 TOTAL_NUM_REMOVED_BUBBLES=0 removing erroneous edges... NUM_SPLIT_LINK (not enough mapped pairs)=20 NUM_SPLIT_LINK (not enough mapped pairs)=0 TOTAL_SPLIT_LINK (not enough mapped pairs)=20 deleting edges from repeat contigs... scaffolding... linking scaffolds (MIN_LINK = 3) sorting links in contigID order... estimating contig distances... constructing scaffold graph NUM_REMOVED_BUBBLES=0 (COVERAGE_THRESHOLD) removing bubbles... (MAX_BUBBLE_IDENTITY = 0.1) NUM_REMOVED_BUBBLES=0 TOTAL_NUM_REMOVED_BUBBLES=0 NUM_SPLIT_LINK (not originate from heterozygosity)=0 (COVERAGE_THRESHOLD) scaffolding... linking scaffolds (MIN_LINK = 3) sorting links in contigID order... estimating contig distances... constructing scaffold graph NUM_REMOVED_OVERLAP_CONTIGS=1 (CONTAINED_HETERO) TOLERENCE_LEVEL_OF_CONTIG_OVERLAP = 3000 linking scaffolds (MIN_LINK = 3) sorting links in contigID order... estimating contig distances... constructing scaffold graph NUM_REMOVED_BUBBLES=0 (COVERAGE_THRESHOLD) removing bubbles... (MAX_BUBBLE_IDENTITY = 0.1) NUM_REMOVED_BUBBLES=0 TOTAL_NUM_REMOVED_BUBBLES=0 removing erroneous edges... NUM_SPLIT_LINK (not enough mapped pairs)=16 NUM_SPLIT_LINK (not enough mapped pairs)=0 TOTAL_SPLIT_LINK (not enough mapped pairs)=16 deleting edges from repeat contigs... scaffolding... linking scaffolds (MIN_LINK = 3) sorting links in contigID order... estimating contig distances... constructing scaffold graph NUM_REMOVED_BUBBLES=0 (COVERAGE_THRESHOLD) removing bubbles... (MAX_BUBBLE_IDENTITY = 0.1) NUM_REMOVED_BUBBLES=0 TOTAL_NUM_REMOVED_BUBBLES=0 NUM_SPLIT_LINK (not originate from heterozygosity)=0 (COVERAGE_THRESHOLD) scaffolding... Library1 PHYSICAL_COVERAGE=146 Library2 PHYSICAL_COVERAGE=736 SUM_SHORT_LIBRARY_PHYSICAL_COVERAGE=882 Library3 PHYSICAL_COVERAGE=463 SUM_LONG_LIBRARY_PHYSICAL_COVERAGE=463 [LIBRARY 3] AVE_INS = 20000, SD_INS = 2000 linking scaffolds (MIN_LINK = 3) sorting links in contigID order... estimating contig distances... constructing scaffold graph NUM_REMOVED_OVERLAP_CONTIGS=3 (CONTAINED_HETERO) TOLERENCE_LEVEL_OF_CONTIG_OVERLAP = 4000 linking scaffolds (MIN_LINK = 3) sorting links in contigID order... estimating contig distances... constructing scaffold graph NUM_REMOVED_BUBBLES=0 (COVERAGE_THRESHOLD) removing bubbles... (MAX_BUBBLE_IDENTITY = 0.1) NUM_REMOVED_BUBBLES=0 TOTAL_NUM_REMOVED_BUBBLES=0 removing erroneous edges... NUM_SPLIT_LINK (not enough mapped pairs)=20 NUM_SPLIT_LINK (not enough mapped pairs)=0 TOTAL_SPLIT_LINK (not enough mapped pairs)=20 deleting edges from repeat contigs... scaffolding... linking scaffolds (MIN_LINK = 3) sorting links in contigID order... estimating contig distances... constructing scaffold graph NUM_REMOVED_BUBBLES=0 (COVERAGE_THRESHOLD) removing bubbles... (MAX_BUBBLE_IDENTITY = 0.1) NUM_REMOVED_BUBBLES=0 TOTAL_NUM_REMOVED_BUBBLES=0 NUM_SPLIT_LINK (not originate from heterozygosity)=0 (COVERAGE_THRESHOLD) scaffolding... linking scaffolds (MIN_LINK = 3) sorting links in contigID order... estimating contig distances... constructing scaffold graph NUM_REMOVED_OVERLAP_CONTIGS=1 (CONTAINED_HETERO) TOLERENCE_LEVEL_OF_CONTIG_OVERLAP = 6000 linking scaffolds (MIN_LINK = 3) sorting links in contigID order... estimating contig distances... constructing scaffold graph NUM_REMOVED_BUBBLES=0 (COVERAGE_THRESHOLD) removing bubbles... (MAX_BUBBLE_IDENTITY = 0.1) NUM_REMOVED_BUBBLES=0 TOTAL_NUM_REMOVED_BUBBLES=0 removing erroneous edges... NUM_SPLIT_LINK (not enough mapped pairs)=1 NUM_SPLIT_LINK (not enough mapped pairs)=0 TOTAL_SPLIT_LINK (not enough mapped pairs)=1 deleting edges from repeat contigs... scaffolding... linking scaffolds (MIN_LINK = 3) sorting links in contigID order... estimating contig distances... constructing scaffold graph NUM_REMOVED_BUBBLES=0 (COVERAGE_THRESHOLD) removing bubbles... (MAX_BUBBLE_IDENTITY = 0.1) NUM_REMOVED_BUBBLES=0 TOTAL_NUM_REMOVED_BUBBLES=0 NUM_SPLIT_LINK (not originate from heterozygosity)=0 (COVERAGE_THRESHOLD) scaffolding... Library1 PHYSICAL_COVERAGE=146 Library2 PHYSICAL_COVERAGE=736 Library3 PHYSICAL_COVERAGE=463 SUM_SHORT_LIBRARY_PHYSICAL_COVERAGE=1345 SUM_LONG_LIBRARY_PHYSICAL_COVERAGE=0 writing scaffold files... scaffold completed! #### PROCESS INFORMATION #### VmPeak: 12.303 GByte VmHWM: 2.066 GByte ```

4. Gap closing

The final step is to close the gaps (reduce the N content in the genome introduced during scaffolding). We will need the scaffolds generated in the previous step. For this we will use the gap_close module. We will run it as follows:

platanus gap_close \
    -o platanus \
    -c platanus_scaffold.fa \
    -IP1 {SRR3157034,SRR3166543}_?.fastq.trimmed \
    -OP2 SRR3156163_?.fastq.int_trimmed \
    -OP3 SRR3156596_?.fastq.int_trimmed \
    -t 16 \
    -tmp $TMPDIR

Most of the default options were used as usual, except for -t number of threads (set to 12), and the -tmp temp directory to use (set to scratch space). The 2 sets of PE libraries were provided as input using IP1 option and the 2 mate-pair libraries separately using -OP2 and -OP3 options.

gap-closing stdout ``` Platanus version: 1.2.4 ./platanus gap_close -o platanus -c platanus_scaffold.fa -IP1 SRR3157034_1.fastq.trimmed SRR3157034_2.fastq.trimmed SRR3166543_1.fastq.trimmed SRR3166543_2.fastq.trimmed -OP2 SRR3156163_1.fastq.int_trimmed SRR3156163_2.fastq.int_trimmed -OP3 SRR3156596_1.fastq.int_trimmed SRR3156596_2.fastq.int_trimmed -t 16 -tmp /scratch/arnstrm/505111 K=32, making hash table... [PAIR_LIBRARY 1] mapping reads... TOTAL_PAIR = 176420061 MAPPED_IN_SAME_CONTIG = 114172231 (0.647161) estimating insert-size... PEAK = 170 LOWER_LIMIT (permissible range to estimate AVE_INS)= 43 UPPER_LIMIT (permissible range to estimate AVE_INS)= 298 AVE_INS = 173 SD_INS = 24 mapping reads that cover small gaps... [PAIR_LIBRARY 2] mapping reads... TOTAL_PAIR = 43437115 MAPPED_IN_SAME_CONTIG = 9243937 (0.212812) estimating insert-size... PEAK = 8227 LOWER_LIMIT (permissible range to estimate AVE_INS)= 2057 UPPER_LIMIT (permissible range to estimate AVE_INS)= 14397 AVE_INS = 8967 SD_INS = 1236 mapping reads that cover small gaps... [PAIR_LIBRARY 3] mapping reads... TOTAL_PAIR = 35013593 MAPPED_IN_SAME_CONTIG = 1663835 (0.0475197) estimating insert-size... PEAK = 21776 LOWER_LIMIT (permissible range to estimate AVE_INS)= 5444 UPPER_LIMIT (permissible range to estimate AVE_INS)= 38108 AVE_INS = 23799 SD_INS = 4754 mapping reads that cover small gaps... making hash table of gaps... making consensus sequences to close small gaps... NUM_GAP=18477 NUM_CLOSED_GAP=5061 [PAIR_LIBRARY 1] saving reads covering gaps... loading reads covering gaps... assembling localized reads... NUM_GAPS = 13416 NUM_NOT_CLOSED_GAPS (too many reads are mapped comapering to coverage)= 91 NUM_CLOSED_GAPS_USING_DE_BRUIJN = 4229 NUM_CLOSED_GAPS_USING_OVERLAP_LAYOUT_CONSENSUS = 785 [PAIR_LIBRARY 2] saving reads covering gaps... loading reads covering gaps... assembling localized reads... NUM_GAPS = 8402 NUM_NOT_CLOSED_GAPS (too many reads are mapped comapering to coverage)= 20 NUM_CLOSED_GAPS_USING_DE_BRUIJN = 26 NUM_CLOSED_GAPS_USING_OVERLAP_LAYOUT_CONSENSUS = 94 [PAIR_LIBRARY 3] saving reads covering gaps... loading reads covering gaps... assembling localized reads... NUM_GAPS = 8282 NUM_NOT_CLOSED_GAPS (too many reads are mapped comapering to coverage)= 15 NUM_CLOSED_GAPS_USING_DE_BRUIJN = 3 NUM_CLOSED_GAPS_USING_OVERLAP_LAYOUT_CONSENSUS = 0 [ALL LIBRARY] assembling localized reads... NUM_GAPS = 8279 NUM_NOT_CLOSED_GAPS (too many reads are mapped comapering to coverage)= 122 NUM_CLOSED_GAPS_USING_DE_BRUIJN = 17 NUM_CLOSED_GAPS_USING_OVERLAP_LAYOUT_CONSENSUS = 0 TOTAL_NUM_CLOSED_GAPS = 10215 gap_close completed!! #### PROCESS INFORMATION #### VmPeak: 12.710 GByte VmHWM: 2.065 GByte ```


The entire assembly was run on Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2650 0 @ 2.00GHz machine with 12 processors and with 128gb RAM (HPC Condo cluster, free nodes). The table shows the time taken for each step ([h]:mm:ss format)

Table 2: Time (real, user and sys) used for each step of the assembly

step real user sys
fastq_dump 0:00:00 0:00:00 0:00:00
platanus_trim 0:59:19 4:26:47 0:01:41
platanus_internal_trim 0:36:13 3:54:37 0:00:48
assembly 3:53:35 22:14:12 0:56:56
scaffold 0:25:35 1:59:41 0:04:53
gapclosing 5:58:32 55:58:05 0:14:05

The stats for the assemblies obtained after each step (assemble, scaffold and gap_close) are as follows:

Table 3: Assemblathon stats for contigs, scaffolds and final assembly.

Metrics Contig Scaffold Final
Number of scaffolds 249,090 18,915 18,915
Total size of scaffolds 146,125,822 128,269,400 127,986,775
Percentage genome represented 124.9% 109.6% 109.4%
Longest scaffold 153,225 15,741,082 15,721,187
Shortest scaffold 86 100 86
Number of scaffolds > 1K nt 19,518 2,799 2,784
Number of scaffolds > 10K nt 3,108 230 230
Number of scaffolds > 100K nt 1 77 77
Number of scaffolds > 1M nt 0 25 25
Number of scaffolds > 10M nt 0 1 1
Mean scaffold size 587 6,781 6,766
Median scaffold size 101 204 203
N50 scaffold length 6,442 3,885,840 3,861,540
L50 scaffold count 5,705 9 9
NG50 scaffold length 8,795 4,991,028 4,978,789
LG50 scaffold count 3,773 8 8
N50- NG50 difference 2,353 1,105,188 1,117,249
scaffold %A 31.6% 29.9% 30.0%
scaffold %C 18.7% 17.5% 17.6%
scaffold %G 18.3% 17.5% 17.5%
scaffold %T 31.4% 29.9% 30.0%
scaffold %N 0.0% 5.3% 5.0%
scaffold %non-ACGTN 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%

Arabidopsis data set Info Back to the Assembly and Annotation Index page