In comparative genomics one can:
- Compare the genome sequence of different species to study what distinguishes different life forms from each other at the molecular level.
- Study evolutionary changes among organisms
- Identify conserved or common genes among Species
- Study the genes that are responsible for specific and unique characteristics for each organism
- Positive, Neutral, Negative Selection with Codeml using Multiple Genome Annotations
- Gene Orthology, Synteny, and Visualization with Opscan, Iadhore, and Circos
- Gene Orthology, Synteny, and Visualization with Orthofinder, Iadhore, and Circos using a small genome
- Gene Orthology, Synteny, and Visualization with Orthofinder, Iadhore, and Circos using a large genome
- Gene Overlap Significance Testing with R Gene_overlap Package
- Phylostratiography: determining the LCA of all genes in a genome
- Functional Gene Enrichment Using ClusterProfiler v4.14.4